Example Environment
Base Env Setup
Egg Author Email [unknown@unknown.com]:
> your@email.com
Application URL [http://panel.example.com]:
> https://panel.yourdomain.com
Reference this https://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php (opens in a new tab) for your specific timezone.
Application Timezone [UTC]:
> America/Vancouver
Cache Driver [Filesystem]:
[redis ] Redis (recommended)
[memcached] Memcached
[file ] Filesystem
> redis
Session Driver [Filesystem]:
[redis ] Redis (recommended)
[memcached] Memcached
[database ] MySQL Database
[file ] Filesystem
[cookie ] Cookie
> redis
Queue Driver [Redis (recommended)]:
[redis ] Redis (recommended)
[database] MySQL Database
[sync ] Sync
> redis
Enable UI based settings editor? (yes/no) [yes]:
> yes
Enable sending anonymous telemetry data? (yes/no) [yes]:
> yes
Database Env Setup
[NOTE] You've selected the Redis driver for one or more options, please provide valid connection information below. In most cases you can use the defaults provided unless you have modified your setup.
Redis Host []:
By default a Redis server instance has no password as it is running locally and inaccessible to the outside world. If this is the case, simply hit enter without entering a value.
Redis Password:
Redis Port [6379]:
> 6379
[NOTE] It is highly recommended to not use "localhost" as your database host as we have seen frequent socket connection issues. If you want to use a local connection you should be using "".
Database Host []:
> IP for you database server
Please reference your database management systems for specific port requirements.
Database Port [3306]:
> 3306
Database Name [panel]:
> panel
[NOTE] Using the "root" account for MySQL connections is not only highly frowned upon, it is also not allowed by this application. You'll need to have created a MySQL user for this software.
Database Username [pterodactyl]:
> pterodactyl
This password should be password used in the database configuration here.
Database Password:
> <yourpassword>
Mail Env Setup
Which driver should be used for sending emails? [SMTP Server]:
[smtp ] SMTP Server
[sendmail] sendmail Binary
[mailgun ] Mailgun Transactional Email
[mandrill] Mandrill Transactional Email
[postmark] Postmark Transactional Email
> smtp
You may use any smtp server you wish. In this example I am using sendgrid.
SMTP Host (e.g. smtp.gmail.com) [smtp.sendgrid.net]:
> smtp.sendgrid.net
SMTP Port [587]:
> 587
SMTP Username [apikey]:
> apikey
SMTP Password:
> <yourpassword>
Encryption method to use [TLS]:
[tls] TLS
[ssl] SSL
[ ] None
Email address emails should originate from [no-reply@yourdomain.com]:
> no-reply@famlam.ca
Name that emails should appear from [Panel]:
> HHN Panel
User Env Setup
Is this user an administrator? (yes/no) [no]:
> yes
Email Address:
> your@email.com
> your_user_name
First Name:
> your_first_name
Last Name:
> your_last_name
Follow the required password policies on screen.
> <yourpassword>